Friday, October 28, 2016

Gone Again???

I have been gone for quite a long time, and I am super sorry to keep this blog from being updated. Junior year is definitely a toughie so far, with precis, loads of AP U.S. History homework, volunteering for service hours, and much more T - T (which reminds me OMG did anyone watch TWICE's new MV TT?! It's super catchy & cute ♥)

Okay, but what about BTS Blood, Sweat, and Tears?

Seriously, all these comebacks in the K-Pop world have been killing me! Argh, I still have a lot to catch up on though. 6 hours of homework a day is no bueno (trying to practice my Spanish because I'm in my 4th year of Spanish!).

Anyways, Halloween is on Monday and I just can't wait for Thanksgiving and then winter and then a new year! Eeek I'm so happy just thinking about being able to enjoy a break soon with my friends and family >U<

Here are some cool Halloween costume ideas, decor, makeup, and more!
Pic Creds: Google Images

*Classic Vampire
Image result for halloween makeup 2016Image result for halloween makeup 2016      Image result for halloween makeup 2016
* Butterfly?
Image result for halloween makeup 2016
* Deer
Image result for halloween makeup 2016
* Cute Doll
Image result for halloween makeup 2016
* Fairy / Elf?
Image result for halloween makeup asian 2016
* Just a makeup idea
Image result for halloween makeup asian 2016
* Lights
Image result for halloween decor 2016
* Okay, but this house tho
Image result for halloween decorations 2016
* Ghost Cupcakes!
Image result for halloween food 2016
* Spider Cake
Image result for halloween food 2016

That's all for now. Until next time (which is hopefully not far from today!) : - ) You guys are my motivators and I love you all ♥